I have seen the NASCAR 2 game by Papyrus out. I was wondering if it is
any better than the last.
I have seen the NASCAR 2 game by Papyrus out. I was wondering if it is
any better than the last.
> I have seen the NASCAR 2 game by Papyrus out. I was wondering if it is
> any better than the last.
Yep. Lots better. The graphics are a lot faster and more
realistic, and...check this...there is a spotter now. :) Sure helps if
you aren't copping-out and using the Arcade Mode.
I even pulled a DE move and bumped the pace car (May Elmo rest
in peace). Said the spotter: "What did you do that for? What a
bonehead move!"
That alone was good for a good laugh :)
I've also raced a few other N2 users on Kahn. Kahn is free and
runs through your local ISP. If you want more info on Kahn, check out:
http://www.teleport.com/~nbright/home.html Click on file lib,
download Kahn, and lets race. We really do need more racers there :)
Get the game and enjoy...trust me on this one
: I have seen the NASCAR 2 game by Papyrus out. I was wondering if it is
: any better than the last.
In a word, YES!
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./. [- < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Best game ever made... even with the bugs which you can workaround most
of them. AI could be better on crashes and yella's.
Quick fix: If you experience multiplayer crashes drop you cars in race
down to 37.
Yes Nascar 2 is great
>> Best game ever made... even with the bugs which you can workaround most
>> of them. AI could be better on crashes and yella's.
>> Quick fix: If you experience multiplayer crashes drop you cars in race
>> down to 37.
>> Q.B.M.