Happy you could make it, this occasion to raise a point, some of the tracks
(sarthe is one of the latest) do all the "work" by themselves on install
(copy to the proper directory, edit the gp and season files...) it would be
VERY nice if the track designers would spend the extra 10 minutes (after
months of work creating the track) to use this system.
Maybe the guys who have it running could "open" it to the guys who don't
have it yet...
> Thanks, that was it. I added the lines to the ini but didnt change the
> numEvents.
> Kevin DeBello
> > As well as the lines you have to add to your 67season.ini you also have
> > increment the numEvents=xx line at the top of that same file. If you've
> > already done that try renaming the sopheve.dat to Sopheve.dat (with a
> > capital S). Also did you download both files?
> > The files are supposed to be the way you describe (ie lots of them).
> > > Yes, I did that also. I noticed that all the .mip files are in that
> > folder.
> > > Should they be all together in one file?
> > > Thanks,
> > > Kevin DeBello