I just wanted to publicly THANK EA for releasing the Need for Speed SE
Thank you for taking a perfectly awesome game and ***ing it up so bad I've put
it on the shelf NEVER to play again.
Thank you for paying me $15 for my old CD so I now have NOTHING playable!
Thank you for lowering my fps substantially compared to the original.
Thank you for making HEAD to HEAD modem impossible to play (2 seconds per frame)
Thank you for making SINGLE RACE modem play so jerky that I continually bounce
from side to side like a damn pinball.
Thank you for inserting that nice 3 second lag from the time I turn my T2 wheel
to the time my car decides to actually turn.
A BIG THANK YOU for making me HANG UP and RECONNECT if I want to quit any race
before finishing.
Thank you for making all my USER tracks non-playable.
Thank you for proving my theory that SEQUELS ALWAYS SUCK and NEW AND IMPROVED
never is.
Thank you for lousy tech support in resolving any of these issues.
And finally - thank you for saving me all that money I WOULD HAVE spent buying
future EA games.
Thank you EA!