I purchased and installed F1 2002 without any problems. However, when I
startup the program I can only get to the first screen before the program
croaks and returns me to the desktop. I could occasionally make it to the
track selection screen or various setup screens but as soon as I choose
"Drive" I get booted out. I had the same problem with the demo.
My system is:
P4 1.6Ghz, 128 MB Ram, 64 MB Radeon VE with latest drivers, DirectX 8.1,
Plenty of Hard drive and Swap file space
I played with the various graphics settings such as changing the resolution
and color depth but still no luck. I meet the minimum requirements(although
I should have 256 MB Ram). I am going to try the EA Tech support but I
wanted to post here first to see if anyone else has a similar issue.
Again, thanks for any help you could provide.