NEW GPL track set / season file utility


NEW GPL track set / season file utility

by Magnus » Sun, 03 Mar 2002 10:49:16

I've made a little utility that starts your webbrowser and takes you
to the online track database and then shows you a list of all tracks
you have by submitting all directory names in your tracks folder.

If you have no more then 64 tracks (you can check by looking at the
very bottom of the resulting web page) you can hit the button "Get
season file" (also at the very bottom of the web page). Then just copy
the resulting text you see in the browser window and paste it into the
"\sierra\gpl\seasons\67season.ini" file.

If you have more then 64 tracks you need to uncheck some of the
checkboxes named "include in season" you see next to each track before
hitting the button "Get season file"

There's also an option to have all tracks sorted within GPL by track
name, track type, track creator, release date, length, number of
turns, must-have rating, graphics rating, fun-to-drive rating, hilly
rating, fantasy or real.... and a bunch more :-D

- This script probably only works on Win2000 and WinXP!
- If you have unreleased beta tracks they will NOT be included in your
season file.

Got to the GPL online Track Database and on the front page look for
the text "New nifty little utility" to click and download.

Cheers :-)

Magnus Thom

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