

by Stev » Fri, 20 Mar 1998 04:00:00

I have not had the chance to play it yet, but all the screen shots Ive seen
look totally awesome!!
I have a P200 (non mmx) 64mbram and Orchid righteous (when it gets back from
Orchid) so Im dying to try this thing out.


Vic Lombard


by Vic Lombard » Fri, 20 Mar 1998 04:00:00

I haven't seen a 3dfx game that didn't have some blur to it. And besides, at
200mph, why sightsee?

So do I. I play the arcade view so I can marvel at the framerate boost. The
cars are smooooooth now and when I brought the number of cars drawn to 23
from 39, the framerate was incredible. Me happy now.



by Rebe » Sat, 21 Mar 1998 04:00:00

  As far as I am concerned, if you are a true racer and watch what is going
on in front of you and not looking off in the distance (sky trees etc) you
will love it!
    I have run about 30 minutes on 8 different tracks and set ""5"" NEW
TRACK RECORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(WITH NO SET UP
   Just think what a little time and "PATIENCE" will do to your lap
times,if you try!
YES colores are down !!!! Things may be blured ""BUT"" run it AND try it,
Before you all shit on it !        
 This is a lot better then what we had !
  I don`t know what every one else thinks BUT  this is a lot better then my
S3 verge!!!!!!
(By the way I have a P200 MMX AND A MONSTER 3D)
     Back to the true issue,The cars are smooth as glass!!! I can run all
the graphic options with all the cars drawn and 4 in the mirror
                               All I can say is PAPPY did something to
                                                 Make this game rock! ! ! !
                                           The 3DFX patch we were to
have(And this it not it                                                    

                                   (THE REAL ONE Can onely be better!!!!!)
                                            THINK ABOUT THAT! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! !? ? ? ? ? ?



by Devo » Sat, 21 Mar 1998 04:00:00

> S3 verge!!!!!!
> (By the way I have a P200 MMX AND A MONSTER 3D)
>      Back to the true issue,The cars are smooth as glass!!! I can run all
> the graphic options with all the cars drawn and 4 in the mirror
>                                All I can say is PAPPY did something to
>                                                  Make this game rock! ! ! !

I just read an article about N3 in "Interaction Magazine" by Sierra.  
This thing will definetly ROCK.  Native 3dfx, 16-bit color "and a frame
rate that rivals that of, well, life".  "Racing fans will enjoy a new
physics model so complete, cars actually lift off the ground when they
encounter high-speed collisions..."

They are saying fall '98.  I can't wait!




by Questio » Sat, 21 Mar 1998 04:00:00

You think the 3dfx is good, you should see it on a Rendition card. No



by Jo » Sat, 21 Mar 1998 04:00:00

>  As far as I am concerned, if you are a true racer and watch what is going
>on in front of you and not looking off in the distance (sky trees etc) you
>will love it!

Actually the biggest flaw with the patch is the way it does popup. The
smart thing to do in a racing game is to ALWAYS make sure the track is
visible, with no pop-up drawing on the track itself (i.e., and do
distance popup on non-track obects if possible). The way you see the
track slowly appearing in front of you at tracks like Talledega is
most distracting.

It is better than the software rendering, but I wish they'd done
something about that track popup.


Jim Sokolof


by Jim Sokolof » Sat, 21 Mar 1998 04:00:00

> Actually the biggest flaw with the patch is the way it does
> popup. The smart thing to do in a racing game is to ALWAYS make sure
> the track is visible, with no pop-up drawing on the track itself
> (i.e., and do distance popup on non-track obects if possible). The
> way you see the track slowly appearing in front of you at tracks
> like Talledega is most distracting.

That's actually encoded (more or less) in a combination of the
graphics engine and the track file. Changing the graphics engine to
reduce popup is relatively easy, but impacts framerate
negatively. Reducing popup at the expense of framerate wouldn't be
good PR for 3dfx (having a slower renderer than a S/W renderer?)


Greg Cisk


by Greg Cisk » Sun, 22 Mar 1998 04:00:00

>That's actually encoded (more or less) in a combination of the
>graphics engine and the track file. Changing the graphics engine to
>reduce popup is relatively easy, but impacts framerate
>negatively. Reducing popup at the expense of framerate wouldn't be
>good PR for 3dfx (having a slower renderer than a S/W renderer?)

Excuse me for saying so, but making a bad 3dfx port from the
rendition version is not helping anyones PR either. IMHO they
would have been better to produce nothing (3dfx wise) until N3.
Unless they could do it properly.

Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.



by Jo » Sun, 22 Mar 1998 04:00:00

>That's actually encoded (more or less) in a combination of the
>graphics engine and the track file. Changing the graphics engine to
>reduce popup is relatively easy, but impacts framerate
>negatively. Reducing popup at the expense of framerate wouldn't be
>good PR for 3dfx (having a slower renderer than a S/W renderer?)

Perhaps they should have made view-drawing-distance an option? I'm not
running the fastest computer on the planet (P200) so I wouldn't want
my frame-rate any lower, but it would have been nice to know I could
reduce the popup by using a faster system.


Micheal Smi


by Micheal Smi » Mon, 30 Mar 1998 04:00:00

>  As far as I am concerned, if you are a true racer and watch what is going
>on in front of you and not looking off in the distance (sky trees etc) you
>will love it!
>    I have run about 30 minutes on 8 different tracks and set ""5"" NEW
>TRACK RECORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(WITH NO SET UP
>   Just think what a little time and "PATIENCE" will do to your lap
>times,if you try!
>YES colores are down !!!! Things may be blured ""BUT"" run it AND try it,
>Before you all shit on it !        
> This is a lot better then what we had !
>  I don`t know what every one else thinks BUT  this is a lot better then my
>S3 verge!!!!!!
>(By the way I have a P200 MMX AND A MONSTER 3D)
>     Back to the true issue,The cars are smooth as glass!!! I can run all
>the graphic options with all the cars drawn and 4 in the mirror
>                               All I can say is PAPPY did something to
>                                                 Make this game rock! ! ! !
>                                      PS
>                                           The 3DFX patch we were to
>have(And this it not it                                                    

>                                   (THE REAL ONE Can onely be better!!!!!)
>                                            THINK ABOUT THAT! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
>! ! ! ! !? ? ? ? ? ?

Wow, I didn't know my crummy old Mach64 WinTurbo card was that much
better than an S3.  I don't notice much, if any, increase in frame
rate even with my vanilla P166 and M3D.

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