With all the programmers that Sierra/Papy has plus having
the source code, you would think that their would be an effort to
SUPPORTall the CUSTOMERS who have purchased NASCAR2.
A patch could be written in under a week addressing all of the bugs
listed to date. And I don't buy the stall that they want to take their
time to address all the problems before they put out a patch.
That is called a stall, guys. WAKE UP!!!!
One example is the Atlanta pit bug which in effect made that track
(one of my favorites) too frustrating to run.
So I looked into the text file, got lucky, and fixed the problem in
a short time. The fix is now in the US PITS.
Such a major***up could have been fixed and posted by
PAPY/SIERRA in 1 day without a problem. They're the experts
at this software not me.
I know I'm going to get blasted for this but someone has to ask
WHEN and PAPY/SIERRA owes us their customers an answer.
I will add, so no one gets the wrong idea ( yeah right!) I love
NASCAR2 . and do not regret purchasing it or any other PAPY sims,
however the fact remains, we are getting our fixes and utilities from
users who care enough to share. Thats great but where is the support
from the guys who got our money?????
Im going to the bomb shelter now waiting for my PAPY bomb run.
Im taking my computer and running Taladega pretending it's DATONA!!!!