I`m using a P100, 32MB EDO and an ATI Mach64. My Logfile gives me:
CPU: 192
Graphics: 218
That seems to be OK for my ATI, as many other ATI-Users have much lower
graphics-factors. So I tried out some settings in my Award-BIOS (MB: ASUS
P55TP4XE) and found, that enabling PCI-Burst changed my graphics-factor to
155! So you should check your BIOS-settings - there seem to be some
improvements possible.
Following settings were used to get CPU 192/graphics 218:
PCI Concurrancy enabled
PCI Streaming enabled
CPU to PCI Burst disabled
8Bit IO Recovery Time 1
16Bit IO Recovery Time 1
Vidoe BIOS Cacheable enabled
Memory hole at... disbaled
----------------> FIDO 2:2444/4508.1
----------> SF-Net 142:107/557.1