> > The ACM card fixed my problems with the patch. I've been having to run
> > patchless because I experienced a pull to the left. I can now run with
> the patch
> > which allows me to use the "-4" switch (thus greatly improving my frame
> rates).
> > What's odd is that I thought that 4-bit colors were automatically used
> with 16
> > meg of ram (which is what I have). That must not be the case because
> otherwise
> > my frame rates wouldn't show any improvement.
> I thought it was less than 16 meg that would use 4-bit colors on the cars.
> 16 meg or more uses 8-bit colors.
> /TomH
A possible explanation to this question.
I believe 24 meg was the "magic" number.
However it may be that if you have 16 meg, and run N2 under windows the
virtual memory manager makes N2 think you have atleast 24 meg, therefore
you would be using 8bit graphics.
This way the -4 switch forces N2 down to 4bit even though N2 thinks it
has plenty of memory.
If you are running out side of windows completely, then this is