a text file that has a table in it that describes what each file has in
it. There are some files where I have no earthly idea what they're for,
but most were fairly identifiable.
I wonder why there's TWO Dan Gurney cars (both #9, and both apparently
identical in every respect) in the dat file. I also could not find a
file for the firewall or bottom of the car. Hmmmm....
I have not done the other cars yet, and I don't know if I will, but this
should give you an idea of what files are for. Beyond the engine and
body textures, I imagine most of the files exsist for every car.
If anyone is interested in this file, I'll be posting it on my webpage
later today. The url will be:
If you want to change the basic color of your car, be prepared to spend
at least an hour or two on just the base car color. I decided I wanted a
brighter blue on my car, and it took me an hour and a half to completely
paint the body. Shading is a pain, but the finished product is well
worth it.
Question for anyone who might know - I think the specular lighting is
great, but these cars were painted with gloss paint. I don't think the
lighting reflects enough (it diffuses too much). Does anybody know if
there's a way to enhance the specular lighting?
John Simmons - Redneck Techno-Biker (Zerex12)
John Simmons - Barbarian Diecast Collector
If you want to send me email, go to either of the URL's
shown above & click "Send Me Mail" in the contents frame.