Graphically very impressive
Knocks the socks off anything else at the moment, I loaded GP4 after playing
for 4 days and it looked pants compared to this. Frame rates are fine on my
GF4 and not affcted by my MOMO FFeedback wheel.
Handling is fine
Not the "Sim" I was hoping for, but good none the less, you can power slide.
all the cars "feel" very different, the BMW is a great tank slapper. the
Audi TT is a great 4 wheel drifter, the Rockingham CART hugs like it's on
rails (as you'd expect)the Pro's are ***y fast!
AI is good
The AI indicator which appears above the cars is a new and interesting
system. It adds another dimension. Not totlally convinced it has much of an
effect on the races. Certainly the shorter ones didn't matter. I found
myself trying not to hit other cars so as not to***other drivers off
because they WILL ram you if you have become their rival. They tend to make
mistakes when their triangle is RED, some great slides and wobbles can be
They come in twds the end of pro level. A fuel meter appears on your dash
which ona 25 lapper does run out. Messages start coming stating who is IN
and OUT. The fuel gauge goes red twds the lower end of the needle and then
you need to pit. the car is autopitted once you pull in. no pitcrew or
alterations. But it's in there so another thing to think about on longer
Nice touch, drive a good practice lap and your engineer will tell you what
he has adjusted and to give it a try, that way you can keep out on track and
do another lap, he'll then tell you adjusted something else and to give that
a go.. You can then save the adjustments he has made. Alternatively you can
alter these yourself, gears, downforce, ballast, brakes, etc.But the
engineer help is a nice idea.
The story Line.
A bit half hearted, I played TOCADriver on the PS2 and the story looked
great on there (even though it is quiet linear and triggered) The career
mode does give you something to go for aqnd limits your choices at the end
of each season. I was offered test drives which was a nice touch. But
vascially the career thing needed beefing up a bit. Salary, mid season
changes, threats of the sack, longer seasons, milestones during teh season..
Would have all been nice.
Load times
Incredible, this thing loads in 1 sec(not a typo!)hit drive and you are
Excellent, Silverstone, Monza, Old Hockenhiem are all in there for us F1
funs.. As well as some great tracks.. The Japanese street track whch gets
unlocked later is very Grand Turismo in look and feel, and extremely well
done. The cambers and curbs on all tracks are very nice. Hockenhiem
particulary the chicanes.
Rock solid! In lots of ways. Look and feel. But no damage model.. But they
feel very good on the road.
Mixed field.
GT's GTS's and Pro's on the same track at teh same time...means lots of
overtaking and lapping.. so makes for good racing.. Bernie should consider
this! Get the Porcshe and TOCA guys on the F1 tracks!
ED 3D Dimensionals
I like these googles for F12002 and GP4 and FPS shooters. But they are no
good for this game. All out of depth, shame.
Bad points
Had a stutter every lap.. HAD.. now seems to be gone. I found that when I
dissabled my sound card in XP, ie no sound in the game it went away. I re
enabled the sound and the stutter came back. 2-3 secnd of frame freeze at
the wrong moment can put a man in th kitty litter.. Not sure what cured
(sorry) but it has gone. This baby runs very fast and very smooth at a very
high res. But the stuttering was a bad point!
Easy to play. yes that's right, I flew through the carer mode on Pro level.
NOw it has an Extreme option which I must say is Extreme.... Need to be
tweeking the cars to keep up now.