> I was wondering where to get a patch to fix the team names. The one I
> have changes the Coventry to a Cooper T86. However with the impending
> release of the GPLEA Cooper, I wanted something a little more accurate.
> Where can I find a fix so it's listed as a T81 in the team info screen?
> Thanks in advance.
>>I was wondering where to get a patch to fix the team names. The one I
>>have changes the Coventry to a Cooper T86. However with the impending
>>release of the GPLEA Cooper, I wanted something a little more accurate.
>>Where can I find a fix so it's listed as a T81 in the team info screen?
>>Thanks in advance.
> Go to http://www.gplpp.com
> look under 'how to'
>>I was wondering where to get a patch to fix the team names. The one I
>>have changes the Coventry to a Cooper T86. However with the impending
>>release of the GPLEA Cooper, I wanted something a little more accurate.
>>Where can I find a fix so it's listed as a T81 in the team info screen?
>>Thanks in advance.
> Go to http://www.gplpp.com
> look under 'how to'