>I think we are having a difference in how this situation is being
>interpreted. It sounds to me as though we have someone running a
>"preferred line", as opposed to blocking. I can't imagine *any* league
>requiring a leader to give up the preferred line! And in this kind of
>situation, the "chrome horn" sounds rather aggressive, don't you think?
>Running the line you choose would be one of the perks you get for being
>the leader.
Where the interpretation is falling short is because of the fact that
doesn't model the real one correctly. Never did I say that the leagues
a leader to give up the preferred line. At all other tracks that is never a
as a person can try going high or low to attempt the pass.
However, at Talladega, since the N1 version, if the leader runs low through
corner (which is fine), but then continues down the back stretch all the way
the left, people behind the leader will most likely never get around them,
when they get to turn 3/4, the car on the outside, even with drafting help,
will probably
not get around them on the outside. Notice I didn't say CAN'T, I said
Unless the leader has a substancially faster car and some drafting help, or
lead car slips in the turn, it's pretty much a given race.
The problem lies when the leader drives down to the left. Many leagues
that blocking, and it's not allowed to drive down there until the last
lap...the reason
being that any cars behind the leader (probably) can't make it on the
outside, and
are therefore forced to take to the grass (thus a wild pass) or do a little
to get around the leader.
Having said all that, are you going to tell me that if you ran a race at
Tally, where
the lead car drove around the LH side all the time, and you made repeated
to pass and couldn't make it stick on the outside, but couldn't go low
because you
would be on the grass, that you wouldn't attempt a more risky move to get
past him? If
so, I applaud you, you have more patience (and willingness to take 2nd) than
most drivers out there.
??Jan Kohl?? **The Pits Performance Team**
Computer Systems Programmer
USAF Air-Ground Operations School
Hurlburt Field, FL
Castle Graphics - http://www.castlegraphics.com/
The Pits - http://www.theuspits.com/