V3 and GPL 1.2 too dark....again

Mike Turn

V3 and GPL 1.2 too dark....again

by Mike Turn » Sun, 14 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I'm sure this may have been covered before but its making me weary
wandering from site to site looking for an answer.

I have had gpl running fine with V1 and V2's sli'd but my V3 even with
the 1.2 gpl patch is much too dark to race with so i have to turn the
gamma settings right up to 3+ to be able to race comfortably. Now when i
use another game the Gamma is much too high and i really dont want to
have to alter it between games.

I have DX7 (was the same with 6.1 and 6) and am using the latest V3

It seems to me its a problem with GPL as the brightness seems fone for
all other games.

I have rast3dfx.dll (as in v1.2 patch) in my GPL dir which fixed the bad
grafics blocks.

Anyone managed to fix this problem?



Mike Turn

V3 and GPL 1.2 too dark....again

by Mike Turn » Sun, 14 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Oh dont you just hate it when this happens....10 mins after i posted the
question, I found my answer!

In windows/system i found a file called ctl3dv2.dll dated 5/11/98.
Removed it and all's as it should be with the gamma sliders down to 1.3.

Thanks MikeT<G>

Hope this may just help someone else though.  

  > i use another game the Gamma is much too high and i really dont want
  > to have to alter it between games.



V3 and GPL 1.2 too dark....again

by Eldre » Mon, 15 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Mine's dated 8/24/96 - is that VERY bad?

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Mike Turn

V3 and GPL 1.2 too dark....again

by Mike Turn » Mon, 15 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Well i put mine back shortly after the post and GPL still worked
correctly so go fugure that one out.....cause i cant!


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