I purchased a MSFF a few days ago and the driver version was 3.0, so yours
is probably also. I installed the 3.02 version and had a few problems and
needed to reinstall some files from the CD. No change in performance yet
but I wasn't looking closely.
> Yes, I noticed a jump in frame rate with 1.2. Is it true that using 3.02
> version makes a difference? I got my MSFF only a month or so ago, so
> will it have shipped with these drivers? I'll try and check when I get
> home.
> > Hiya folks,
> > Anyone else with the msff notice a better fps performance with ff
> > turned on?
> > With 1.1 the fps would often drop below the 30's. That was reason
> > enough for me to turn it off. (for online racing anyway)
> > But it seems that with 1.2 the framerate is a constant 35-37
> > Hope this isn't just wishfull thinking on my part, so I would like to
> > hear from other msff users some sort of confirmation :)
> > Rick