> Does anyone know what GeForce drivers are best on WinXP? I've got a
> GeForce2 Ultra in an Asus P2B with 256 mb SDRAM and 1 GHz Celeron (in a
> PowerLeap adapter).
> I need to be able to run both GPL and GTR2002 (and Papy N2002
> occasionally). So far I've just been using the default XP GeForce
> driver, and it works ok, but I'm sure there's something better.
> Also, any suggestions as to what would be the most cost effective CPU
> upgrade? 1.4 GHz Celerons are cheap ($50) but it seems hard to find one
> that runs on a 100 mhz FSB. Upgrade to a killer mobo, Athlon, and DDR
> memory would be wonderful, but it's a bit beyond my finances right now.
> Thanks!
> Alison
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64m, and GTR2002 runs pretty well for me....I'm also using a tweaker for the
vid card to o'clock it some(core to 235mhz, memory to 400 mhz) and under d3d
options, mipmapping is set to "Blend".....what I found, which makes no
sense, is that there is no fps penalty for higher resolutions, I found this
produces nice graphics at 50-60 fps, which is plenty for smooth feel, but
most graphics options are set to low, and of course, no AA or anisotropic.
If I leave all other settings alone, and redo 3D setup at 640 or 800, I get
no higher fps as a result,and these low rez's with either AA or aniso kill
frames......so far, my best all around setup is 1600x1200 as described.
PS ver28.32 drivers for the card, and Win XP Pro
^^^^^^I swiped the above from a previous post of mine, it's all still true,
as to your driver question, I used the 23.11v drivers previously on this
rig, and saw no real improvement with the 28.32's, I might just have to
revert back and try them again.
As far as upgrades go, you should NEVER take upgrade advice from me, unless
you're spending someone else's money.
One last thing, THANKS again for the Sweet Red Candy setups, they made GPL
come alive for me and really got me hooked, and in a previous post someone
else mentioned that you were probably the one person who could get the net
code in GTR worked out to make it actually usable......no pressure or
anything :^)