running 1280x1024x32-bit and I see 30fps start of race and 40 fps in the
pack. Other settings are 20 cars visible, all graphics high except for
shadows. Your cpu should push these numbers to 40 start and 50+ during the
What video drivers? I'm running the 40.72's and IIRC my 3D config test was
37M triangles.
Joe M.
> > your word on the subject convinced me. I just hope it doesn't take
> > TOO much time away from my GPL... :)
> LOL this is one of the reasons I'm staying away from playing it (I did
> download it). Plus my performance is kind of crap, which shocks me, as I
> have a AMD Athlon 2100+ XP, 512mb RAM DDR, Geforce4 Ti4400 128mb . Even
> with that spec at 800x600x16 (ICK!) I'm seeing max framerate of about 40,
> with dips bellow 30 at times!!