Can't confirm that price but I just got from CompUsa for $19.99 which is
not a sale price.
We need to support all sims, especially the work of our own brilliant and
dedicated community.
What cause are you referring too? Is it possible to contribute (financially)
to the SBDT? Or have they nominated a charity?
They have a 'Paypal' button of their web site which it says you can
contribute to, to help with server costs.
Top centre of the screen.
Cool, I'll update my credit card info with Paypal and get right on it.
LOL this is one of the reasons I'm staying away from playing it (I did
download it). Plus my performance is kind of crap, which shocks me, as I
have a AMD Athlon 2100+ XP, 512mb RAM DDR, Geforce4 Ti4400 128mb . Even
with that spec at 800x600x16 (ICK!) I'm seeing max framerate of about 40,
with dips bellow 30 at times!!
Err... something wrong there. XP2000+ with GF3 Ti200 here (same RAM) and I'm
getting 45-70fps at 1024x768x32 with 16 cars shown (was 32-50fps with 21
We run in the same GPL FD league, and all I can tell you is that I'm
spending equal time between GPL and GTR2002. It's just that good.
Joel Willstein
"If you can leave black marks on a straight from the time you exit a corner
till the time you brake for the next turn
, then you have enough horsepower."
Mark Donohue
Just put my GF2 MX 400 spare card in to check out the 'lower' end
I have xp 2100+ o/c,9700 Pro,512 DDR 2100 and i said yesterday it is the
best looking yet with all on full/max.
So with just the 9700 Pro out and the GF2 mx400 in....
Everything is on Full or the odd thing is on Medium(silly things like
skidmarks,dust etc etc)
I have 35 fps on the line with full 36 cars on grid...drops to 21 when
amongst them...that is 1280 x 960 x 16.
Up to 43fps in open track....
If you have a Ti 4400 giving the same performance then something is amiss...
p.s 30.82 drivers onWin XP...10% o/c on MX400
But in any case, I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of the game from
Amazon and we'll see how it works out...