Is anyone else surprised at the image of the "Test Driver" that's
portrayed in NFS:PU? I mean, it certainly would be a glamorous
profession, but this game elevates their status to even higher levels
(or lower levels, depending on your perspective). While I don't
really believe that it's an accurate portrayal, I'm still surprised
that Porche let them do that. I mean, we've got the test drivers
delivering illegal (I presume) Boxters to boat docks at night.
Slamming cop cars. Having impromptu races on back roads. Causing
general mayhem, basically.
These days companies are so uptight about lawsuits and so on, it's
refreshing to see a company with more balls than that. Hell, they
even threw in rudimentary damage graphics, something that most
manufacturers are afraid to allow in games that use their vehicles.
I'm impressed, --mK