I'd go to the GPL Track Database and just work my way through the
tracks, looking at the maps. There's that track in East Germany --
Avus? -- that is nothing but a long straight, hairpin corner, and a
long straight back again to another hairpin.
> > Already have leMans, ***bath, Reims, Hockenheim and what comes
> > with GPL. Looking for suggestions on others. Thanks ahead!
> I'd go to the GPL Track Database and just work my way through the
> tracks, looking at the maps. There's that track in East Germany --
> Avus? -- that is nothing but a long straight, hairpin corner, and a
> long straight back again to another hairpin.
> HTH,
> --
> Darryl
I haven't had a lot of success trying to keep up with the AI cars unless I'm
drafting, and I was wondering whether this is normal.
only manage about 204 using the available setups.
How do those AI cars go so fast? Anyone?
> I haven't had a lot of success trying to keep up with the AI cars unless
> drafting, and I was wondering whether this is normal.
> only manage about 204 using the available setups.
> How do those AI cars go so fast? Anyone?
The best I can recall managing was 209mph at Milano in a Honda while
slipstreaming (drafting) an Eagle.
Actually that's not quite true, I've gone faster in a Bronda at Spa, but
it wasn't in a race (or even a draft ;-))
Off the top of my head I'd list Anderstorp, Snetterton67, Riverside,
Zeltweg, Grenslandring, Bathurst and Chimay (has thread the needle chicanes
in the longest sides of the rectangle, though) as having decent sized
But the daddy of GPL straights has got to be the back straight at Solitude
with its "dont blink", absolutely flat in 5th hump/kink and sphincter cramp
inducing brakingzone for Schatten at the end. A straight which seperates the
men from the boys, IMO.
Just when you think you're done, you're back where you started!
Regards, Rudy
(GPLRank -16)
You can actually sort your results on track length too..
/Magnus T
- - - - GPL Track Database - - - - - - -
Um, Steve, you might wanna read your answer again (and/or use the
really big font type for geezers, grin ;)
Regards, Rudy
>>Already have leMans, ***bath, Reims, Hockenheim and what comes with GPL.
hot-rodded BRM.
> Um, Steve, you might wanna read your answer again (and/or use the
> really big font type for geezers, grin ;)
> Regards, Rudy
> > Reims, Le Mans
> >>Already have leMans, ***bath, Reims, Hockenheim and what comes with
Regards, Rudy
(GPLRank -16)
> ?!? Erm, and you were smoking what exactly at the time? <g>
> Regards, Rudy
> (GPLRank -16)
Amsterdam's finest? Hmmm... Ok!
<Dumps a truckload of Ajax footie hooligans on Steve's doorstep, who,
not used to such ungentlemanly treatment, start gnarling and looking for
the nearest person to turn into a vegetable - Oh look, looks like
they've found out how to take out Steve's doorhandle already>
<G> Well, you DID ask for it... I'm from Tilburg in the Deep South,
btw! ;)
Regards, Rudy
(GPLRank -16)