Late reply, missed it first time around, sorry.
Yeah, well, obviously this a qualifying only thing and one does lift to
prevent an overrev when the rear wheels momentarily get airborne, but
basically, yes, flat in 5th.
Keep your foot in it, aim to cut it slightly (just noticed apex is blind as
well <g>) and burp the throttle as the car "sails" over the hump (wouldn't
call it a jump). I think it's possible to keep one's foot buried all the
way, but you will bang it off the rev limiter when you do.
I've put an example here...
You'll note I'm about a tyre-width wide (left front should hover over
verge), but I still make it with plenty to spare.
Observe chickenshit braking for Schatten in above replay ;-)... 'cos that's
the scary part. The hump is basically setup and a bit of confidence in the