which are useful enough to become hugely popular like rsc, theuspits,
GPL track database, GPLrank etc. will close. It's not a matter of
"if" they close it's "when".
People get burned out, tired of the abuse, discover a life away from
their computer screen, get married/divorced/remarried, run out of
funding (see previous item), get hit by buses, etc...
It's also almost a given that the really innovative and/or useful
sites, like those mentioned above, are going to be set up by 1 or 2
individuals and not a corporation or committee. Along with a lot of
***or copy sites of course, but Darwin's laws will take care of
However once they're established a vital service the sim community
and burnout is looming on the horizon it would nice if these guys had
the option of turning their baby over to a committee-like structure
such as FILSCA. Then we'd have the best of worlds, innovative
websites developed independently and a more stable "share the
workload" organization to take it over when it looks like they could
be lost.
If even half of the exampled above were handed over to FILSCA to be
maintained, secured, and continue to evolve then I'd be willing to
pay them $5-10 a year for access..
Of course the developers would have to be willing to live with the loss
of control that handing it over truly means (I'm sure some would rather
And FILSCA would have to get over the "we didn't build it
ourselves" thing. I know, I know FILSCA is for leagues, but you
can't have leagues without drivers first..