Hands up if you wore it out and bought a new wheel just to play GPL?
Hands up if you bought a video board just to play GPL?
Well chances are Microsoft, Logitec, Actlabs or Thrustmaster etc..
wouldn't have got your money without the hard work and development
(and ISP fees) provided by the likes of Alison Hine, Magnus (what is
his last name?), Larry Holbert and countless others whose names
deserve mention but escape me at the moment. It's people like that
who are responsible for taking a good tittle and making it great.
Without them you'd probably never have bought your wheel in the first
place. You could probably argue that without the GPL community Papy,
EA etc.. wouldn't have invested the development effort in what grew to
be NR2003, F12002 etc...
It's understandable that these people move on eventually and nobody
should hold them to a life time commitment for our enjoyment once it
starts to feel like a chore to them.
But there's got to be some way to take what's been built now, such as
the track database and all the add-on tracks and graphics, and
inevitably GPLrank and save it before it's lost. That's where the
manufacturers come in. The webspace that would be required to
maintain the existing track data base and other resources that are
slowly fading away would cost them nothing in the corporate grand
scheme of things and it would keep us enjoying the game until we wear
out our current wheels.
I know if brand X stepped up to the plate they'd be the first wheel
I'd consider when my current Thrustmaster turns it's last corner.
I originally thought that's the sort of thing FILSCA was going to do
for the community but they got so bogged down in governance structures
and they seemed to think that for profit companies had no place in
internet *** that it came to nothing.