I've jumped on folks before myself, so no offense taken here. I have a
Vendor's test wheel and the manual was VERY skimpy. I couldn't find
anything about programming the buttons, until I found the procedure by
accident...it wasn't in the manual. I also did "SEE" in the manual a
picture of the control panel for the wheel. It clearly showed the wheel and
two separate axis' for the pedals...I get the wheel, and another axis for
the pedals..a al NOT SPLIT and then I have a third axis which is visable in
properities but not active...it looks like an axis for a helicopter vertical
control rather than a brake pedal(sorry that's the closest way I could
describe it)
dave henrie
> The printed manual clearly states you will see "ThrustmasterPro Digital 2"
> in Control Panel/*** options. Personally I still cannot access the
> properties without an error message but that's another story.
> BTW Tom Pabst your response was very un-helpful. I spent the last hour
> digging around for my manual and browsing the TM website trying to find
> if I had done something incorrect, and all due to your post. If you
> answer the questions correctly then please don't waste all of our time
> BS :-) (not being a smart-ass btw)
> Mitch
> > Ahm.....not trying to be a smart-ass.....but you guys should "go read
> > manual." Also, there is an excellent "white paper" on the topic of
> > customizing slope and resolution settings for each axis.....at the TM
> site.
> > If you have a "Control Panel" reading at all......you have the wrong
> drivers
> > installed for your wheel. TM NASCAR Pro Digital-2 does not use the MS
> > Control Panel to calibrate or set the functions of the wheel. This is
> > explained in either the printed manual that comes with the
> > wheel/peddles....and/or in several places on the TM site.
> > Tom