GPL run better with this card.
I do not have a 3dfx card on my system
All help/ideas gratefully received
Gary Young
I do not have a 3dfx card on my system
All help/ideas gratefully received
Gary Young
Very thru so, and although it works fine with my machine (pIII 450 with tnt)
i still can't help wondering why this "beta"stays beta, it's out for a very
long time now and i think its as final as it wil get, i hoped for an update
but i don't expect one anymore. I aslo wonder very much why the people at
papy dont provide use people who don't have a 3dfx card (and this group gts
bigger and bigger wih the 32bit color cards) with a solid patch so we can
run with good mirrors and in open gl or d3d as we please. It prob. is a
matter of money still with such a big gpl comunity they will get a lot of
goodwill. I get a solid 36-40 fps in 1024x768 with the open gl beta still
sometimes i get irritated about the mirrors, also i can't get rid of the
feeling that would they have provided a solid patch my fps would be
higher(as they are in most games). Am i the only one wondering about this?
Am i spoiled?
Andre Hanegraaf
Andre Hanegraaf wrote
As long as it's "beta" they don't have to provide tech support for it.
And no, GPL would not have sold any better; its still a content issue.
You should not get any more than 36 fps. GPL limits you on this, even if you
could get more. The 1.1 patch introduced a timing bug, so some people get
more than 36 fps, but it should not be the case. So don't worry about it!
Vienna, Austria