:> Well here in Canada (and in the States, I think) we called them "traffic
:> circles" and we used to have a bunch of them
: We never had them in the province of Quebec, but of course we aren't
: really Canadians ;)
: It's just the way that different societies regulated the transportation
: system. With our two major cities being 1) on an island and 2) on a
: cliff, we never had the use for them. My only wish is to -never- have to
: get around one of them, as I simply don't know how to handle them.
Actually, the traffic circles are brilliant. After moving to Switzerland,
I started to really appreciate them. Anyone who can tie their shoes can
navigate a roundabout, even the triple lane monsters in the UK, with
traffic on the wrong side of the road. They are faster and safer. Canada
needs more of them. Now, crazy are the unregulated four-way intersections
in Ottawa. No stop signs, no yield signs... nothing but broken glass.