N4 has pretty awesome built in mulitplayer capabilities. Be sure and get the
patch, as it improves it substantially.
Your going to want good framerates, especially for online play. Your not
going to want to drop below 30 fps for online play. I would think you would
get better results running in d3d with that V5. Turn the world detail
setting way down in N4. It seems to have a large impact on framerates, and
still looks very good even with it turned way down.
I use a TSW2, and have my linearity set to 60%, and run fairly high wheel
locks at most tracks. You'll want to experiement with these 2 settings to
see what works best for you.
As far as feeling the center may be a bit off, your probably talking about
the pull to the left which is a result of the stagger ( set by the game),
castor and camber. It helps the car turn in the turns, but will give you a
pull to the left down the straight.
Don Burnette
D Burnette in N4
Some people do nothing wrong.
The problem is, they do nothing.
And THAT is wrong.
> To me, The more fps you can get without suffering in other areas of any
> sim then this is where you would want to be.. I feel it is a trial and
> type thing.. Good Luck.. Thom_j.
> | Hello all...just loaded N4 last night
> |
> | Some tips for me maybe? Athlon 800, V5, 128 mb ram, adsl for net
> | connection.
> |
> | Where should I be for good gameplay frame wise. I first used open gl and
> was
> | getting about 14fps. I thought oh oh...then I switched to d3d and ran a
> | frame rate that went between 45-60 it seemed. The I went to 2x fsaa and
> | frames were around 38-39. Is this ok for online play? Any thoughts on
> to
> | make N4 look good would be appreciated.
> |
> | I use a TSW and at times the center seemed a bit off any tips on
> controller
> | use?
> |
> | Any good sites for setups and info? As far as online play is there a
> | (gpl) type software to find races.
> |
> | At your convenience some info would be appreciated. I will be offline
> a
> | while so I hope to hear your thoughts.
> |
> | Dave Ciemny
> |
> |
> |
> |