> I'm still using a Thrustmaster T1 that I bought several years ago.
> Couple of new parts, but still works fine. Using the T1 as the
> baseline what would I expect from a new hot set up?
> Remove Spam Block to reply!!!
business. I decided to reward it with a big monitor, 3DFX card,
big drives, big memory, F1 Racing Simulator and an ECCI CDS 2
wheel. My PPro works so hard as my Unix platform, I like to
give it some time off to play video games.
I bought my T1 when IndyCar (1) came out. I loved having a
wheel for the driving sims. But I've always felt a little loss
of control when I took one hand off the wheel to shift. The
back straight at Spa, leading to bus stop, is an example of
where I had trouble. I thought that the wheel mounted shift
buttons would be the big deal.
The ECCI CDS2 has buttons in front. This locks my hands in a
"9 and 3" grip, which I find comfortable.
The mechanics of the wheel are just sweet. The wheel rotates
very smoothly through it's travel. I played with a TM NASCAR
wheel at a computer store, not connected to a computer, and just
smiled. There is NO comparison.
The ECCI wheel is smaller than the T1, I though this might
give me a little less control. The precision of the ECCI results
in far better control than I ever had with the T1.
Ok, I just velcro'd the T1 in front of me. Ha Ha Ha! Hmm...
The ECCI grip is fat, probably twice the diameter of the grip
on the T1. Turning the T1 a little is greeted with some
resistance, then the resistance seems to increase slowly, if at
all. The ECCI has a gentle increase in resistance, the further
it's turned, words can't describe it, I LOVE THIS WHEEL.
Neither is trying to pull the wheel away from the limits. I'm
using the standard ECCI springs, heavier ones were also shipped.
The T1 looks like something pulled from the dash of a kiddy's
pedal car. The ECCI wheel looks like something from a race car.
Ok, it doesn't look like it was pulled from one of today's F1
cars, because those are small computer terminals, some have
clutch levers, and they aren't round. Take the cover off the
ECCI, and it's guts look like something from a F1 car.
Wheel travel is adjustable, and as stated above, so is spring
tension. I have mine set to lock at a comfortable limit.
Like the T1, rollers are used for pedals. I've always liked
the rollers, and I don't believe I would be any happier with
more realistic pedals. Like everything else on this unit, they
are nicer than the T1's in every way.
The wheel has a swede leather covering. Feels great. But for
a week after buying it, I was mystified by a black coating on my
hands. The wheel no longer does that. It just takes some time
to clear up.
The thing is heavy. But I needed a little more grip, so I
use velcro under the feet.
I had some shipping damage, and a bad pot. Andy sent
replacements quick and I've been very happy.
From the pictures at ECCI's home page, I thought I would be
peering over a garbage can to see the screen. The housing for
the mechanicals is actually compact, and it looks fine.
TSW also makes a wheel at a lower price point. Nobody can
afford one of each in order to see which is better. But owners
of each seem satisfied. I kind of think ECCI is the Ferrari,
TSW is the Porsche. Thrustmaster is the gear to get you hooked,
so you will want one of the better ones. I'm going to get
flamed for those last two statements.
Obviously, one needs to be hard core to justify one or these
things. I couldn't be happier. You only pay for it once, then
it's free.