a couple of weeks ago i rewired my Thrustmaster T2-pedals to function with
Split-Axis. It works fine in GPL and N4.
There is only one problem and that is that Windows does not recognize my
wheel. If i select the driver for the T2 obviously there is an axis missing
(since i have split axis now). If i select any other wheel it says 'not
connected'. I tried custom properties with designating my wheel as having 3
axis and 4 buttons, or even 4 axis and 4 buttons (in which 1 axis is meant
to be a dummy-axis). But it keeps saying 'not connected'.
As a result i can't play any games that use the DirectX-support for
joysticks, and don't have the generic option like GPL and N4 have. Games
like GP3, Leadfoot, Viper Racing etc all don't see my wheel.
Now i understood this has something to do with Windows (ME in my case) does
not recognize wheels/joysticks which have 3 axis. Since i won't be the only
one with this problem i was wondering if anyone knows a fix for my problems
or some kind of workaround. Any help is appreciated.