Ive seen alot of people discuss N2 framerates and their problems... and
Im a little confused and hoping someone can shed some insight into my question
here. I have a Gateway P166 MMX with 32 megs of RAM and an
ATI 3D Rage II card (sucks).... Anyway.. I run N2 by restarting my
computer in MS-DOS mode (which gateway configured for *** - which I
thought was a cool idea).. I run all graphics on
with a full 32 car draw ahead and 4 car sound distance. Now
Im not sure what my framerate is.... but I suffer very MINIMAL framerate
hesitation at all when I play the game... OCCASIONALLY I will notice a
little lag in the texture being rendered on the track ahead of me...
of course I dont notice this when im racing a car ahead of me. Also..
Im not playing in rendition mode... just high res. I dont have a
rendition card yet (waiting for the DOS fix for the Stealth II).
<P>Now ive heard people with faster Pentiums complain of framerate....
could someone explain to me why I dont experience these problems ????
<P>Scott B. Husted
<BR><A HREF="http://www.racesimcentral.net/~sbhusted">http://www.racesimcentral.net/~sbhusted</A>
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