> ...Papy forcing aids to be on for digital controllers, and there is a
> way around the problem.
> Why couldn't a dev code something that would "simulate" a analog axis
> rate for digital controllers? Picture this. I'm using a joystick, and
> I've got button 1 selected for throttle. With this new 'routine',
> whenever I press button 1 the simulated axis rate would increase at a
> specific rate of travel. The travel would, of course, have slider where
> you could tune it to your desire...aka; between instant acceleration
> (stomping on the pedal) or gradual acceleration. This would also be
> limited to accel and brake, which left/right control would be just about
> useless using such a method.
> Yes, it would take some time to add the code. However, it seems to me
> like a great fix for their horrible design (forcing aids).
> I believe NASCAR Heat did something similar to this, minus the slider
> (as far as I know...only tried the demo).
> What are your thoughts on this?
Take a step back. You're trying to simulate analogue control with an
on-off device. I see where you're coming from with the rate of travel
issue but why is that any better than traction control? With TC
enabled you get as much power as is necessary to accellerate without
spinning wheels. If you set a static rate (I don't know how it would
be possible to alter mid-race) you'll either be set too slow therefore
be slow out of corners and a menace, or too high therefore spinning
wheels out of a corner and be a menace.
With tyre wear over a run you may get a happy balance for the start of
a race but constantly be smoking your tyres as the race goes on.
Same argument for ABS.
I still have no idea why TC and ABS aren't ideal solutions to the
problem of getting fine control out of a switch device. You *do* have
the option of forwards/backwards on stick for gas/brake. If it's a
big enough issue you will teach yourself how to do this.
The game is designed to be used with suitable controllers, but it does
*not* exclude those that don't have them. Much like any flight sim, I
s'pose. Would you go complain on a flight sim group about not being
able to get analogue control out of your keyboard because your stick
broke and you can't afford a new one?
I have seen wheels with analogue paddles that were cheaper than what I
paid for N2003.
Good luck with the job hunting, and enjoy the TSW when you get it :)