I Got To Thinking About My Dislike For...

William Bradsha

I Got To Thinking About My Dislike For...

by William Bradsha » Mon, 28 Apr 2003 07:10:34

...Papy forcing aids to be on for digital controllers, and there is a
way around the problem.

Why couldn't a dev code something that would "simulate" a analog axis
rate for digital controllers? Picture this. I'm using a joystick, and
I've got button 1 selected for throttle. With this new 'routine',
whenever I press button 1 the simulated axis rate would increase at a
specific rate of travel. The travel would, of course, have slider where
you could tune it to your desire...aka; between instant acceleration
(stomping on the pedal) or gradual acceleration. This would also be
limited to accel and brake, which left/right control would be just about
useless using such a method.

Yes, it would take some time to add the code. However, it seems to me
like a great fix for their horrible design (forcing aids).

I believe NASCAR Heat did something similar to this, minus the slider
(as far as I know...only tried the demo).

What are your thoughts on this?


William Bradsha

I Got To Thinking About My Dislike For...

by William Bradsha » Mon, 28 Apr 2003 07:36:22

Let me add something to that post before someone misunderstands me. :)

Yes, Papy already does something close to this (simulating a axis for
accel and brake buttons, it seems). Yet, we don't have access to editing
the sensitivity to the accel/brake (Or do we? If we do, then why don't
we have a in-game slider?).

Here's my thinking:

1. Traction Control is linked to a button that is used for throttle. If
we're able to set the sensitivity how we want (less accel so quickly,
thus more stable), then there would be no need for this option to be
forced on.

2. Anti-Lock Brakes is linked to a button that is used for braking. The
above argument remains the same.


Gerry Aitke

I Got To Thinking About My Dislike For...

by Gerry Aitke » Mon, 28 Apr 2003 07:40:20

> ...Papy forcing aids to be on for digital controllers, and there is a
> way around the problem.

> What are your thoughts on this?

Why not just buy a wheel and pedals?


William Bradsha

I Got To Thinking About My Dislike For...

by William Bradsha » Mon, 28 Apr 2003 07:43:41

>> ...Papy forcing aids to be on for digital controllers, and there is a
>> way around the problem.

> <SNIP>

>> What are your thoughts on this?

> Why not just buy a wheel and pedals?

> Gerry

You have a point (too bad I'm broke), but why limit the game to
non-wheel drivers? Yes, dude, I call forcing any options on to be limiting.

What I've proposed is a feasible solution to a problem for non-wheel
drivers. Do you disagree with it? Should customers be required to own a
wheel to play and enjoy this game to it's full ability?



I Got To Thinking About My Dislike For...

by Eldre » Mon, 28 Apr 2003 07:51:33

I'm sure there are limits to how many people a company can satisfy.  It comes
down to return on investment.  If a title sells 10,000 copies, but 100 people
won't buy it because of a specific feature(or lack thereof), is it worth the
effort to get those last 100 customers?  We see the same arguments about
savegames.  Most people think it should at least be an OPTION, but for whatever
reasons, the companies haven't complied.  Are the publishers worried about the
few people who *say* they won't buy(I think some buy it anyway) Game X if it
doesn't have a savegame feature?  Doubtful.

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William Bradsha

I Got To Thinking About My Dislike For...

by William Bradsha » Mon, 28 Apr 2003 08:11:39

>>You have a point (too bad I'm broke), but why limit the game to
>>non-wheel drivers? Yes, dude, I call forcing any options on to be limiting.

>>What I've proposed is a feasible solution to a problem for non-wheel
>>drivers. Do you disagree with it? Should customers be required to own a
>>wheel to play and enjoy this game to it's full ability?

> I'm sure there are limits to how many people a company can satisfy.  It comes
> down to return on investment.  If a title sells 10,000 copies, but 100 people
> won't buy it because of a specific feature(or lack thereof), is it worth the
> effort to get those last 100 customers?  We see the same arguments about
> savegames.  Most people think it should at least be an OPTION, but for whatever
> reasons, the companies haven't complied.  Are the publishers worried about the
> few people who *say* they won't buy(I think some buy it anyway) Game X if it
> doesn't have a savegame feature?  Doubtful.

> Eldred

You're right, in that fixing it doesn't mean a goddamn thing to anyone
except for a few customers. Will our opinions be heard, let alone
considered? Not likely.

It's also a mixed bag about not buying software because of something
being forced on or not included. The customer has the final decision,
but in the end Sierra has already made the sale to the outlet.

While it's annoying to hear debate rage on about save games, it angers
me to see a software company say, in effect, "Screw you buddy. You don't
own a wheel!" when it comes down to hindering my enjoyment (and
certainly others as well) of their product.

In a sense, this shouldn't even compare to adding in a save game
"feature". The save game idea has been ruled out time and time again. Am
I wrong for wanting to see more people being able to enjoy the software
they purchased?

Fer Christ's sake, even NASCAR Thunder 2003 doesn't place restrictions
on the non-wheel drivers.

I invite everyone to put away their wheels for a week and try racing
with a joystick. Come back and tell me that Papy didn't make a bad
decision, nor are they willing to toss in any sort of fix or quick fix.

I'm not saying I won't buy the next and last installment, just not until
I have enough money together for a wheel. Even if I did have the money
to buy the title at this very moment, I wouldn't support Papy because
they refuse to properly support non-wheel drivers.

I hope you can at least understand my reasoning and ramblings in all of
this. :)


Jan Verschuere

I Got To Thinking About My Dislike For...

by Jan Verschuere » Mon, 28 Apr 2003 08:22:45

And threading shakey ground as to how representative people who are vocal
about certain aspects are with regard to the general buying public.


Ashley McConnel

I Got To Thinking About My Dislike For...

by Ashley McConnel » Mon, 28 Apr 2003 08:32:18

I think your being a little unreasonable, a simple analog joystick would do
the job, even second hand would cost about $5-$10

keyboards aren't for sims :)


William Bradsha

I Got To Thinking About My Dislike For...

by William Bradsha » Mon, 28 Apr 2003 08:37:31

> "EldredP" wrote...


>>I'm sure there are limits to how many people a company can
>>satisfy.  It comes down to return on investment.  If a
>>title sells 10,000 copies, but 100 people won't buy it
>>because of a specific feature(or lack thereof), is it worth
>>the effort to get those last 100 customers?  We see the
>>same arguments about savegames.  Most people think it
>>should at least be an OPTION, but for whatever reasons, the
>>companies haven't complied.  Are the publishers worried
>>about the few people who *say* they won't buy (I think some
>>buy it anyway) Game X if it doesn't have a savegame
>>feature?  Doubtful.

> And threading shakey ground as to how representative people who are vocal
> about certain aspects are with regard to the general buying public.

> Jan.
> =--

I take it you're referring to my post. Just to clarify myself, I didn't
mean for my constructive idea to come across as "everyone needs it". In
another post in this thread, I go far as to state "...and certainly
others as well". Meaning just that, others. By no means does it mean
everyone, or a majority. In all likelyhood, it's a very small minority
of customers.

It's merely something that I believe would give back full control to
non-wheel drivers, doing away with the need for Traction Control and
Anti-Lock Brakes.

But don't worry Jan, I guarantee you that nothing will ever come of
this. NASCAR Thunder will pick up the slack in this area, and have
already done so to a great extent. :)


William Bradsha

I Got To Thinking About My Dislike For...

by William Bradsha » Mon, 28 Apr 2003 08:43:17

> I think your being a little unreasonable, a simple analog joystick would do
> the job, even second hand would cost about $5-$10

> keyboards aren't for sims :)

> Ash

But you see, I already have a simple analog joystick, Ashley. ;)

I just map the throttle and brake to the two buttons on it. Give NASCAR
Heat a try with a joystick(cudos to it's dev's), they've gotten it down
to a near science.

It's a terrible habit from NASCAR Racing 2, yet it's how I'm comfortable
with driving in any sim with this wretched thing. :)



I Got To Thinking About My Dislike For...

by Eldre » Mon, 28 Apr 2003 10:00:24

>I invite everyone to put away their wheels for a week and try racing
>with a joystick. Come back and tell me that Papy didn't make a bad
>decision, nor are they willing to toss in any sort of fix or quick fix.

>I'm not saying I won't buy the next and last installment, just not until
>I have enough money together for a wheel. Even if I did have the money
>to buy the title at this very moment, I wouldn't support Papy because
>they refuse to properly support non-wheel drivers.

>I hope you can at least understand my reasoning and ramblings in all of
>this. :)

No problem, Will.  Different people want different things out of the games they
play.  And while your 'joystick challenge' is interesting, it wouldn't really
prove anything.  Most people who use a wheel now would have problems
re-adjusting to a joystick *anyway*...
And honestly - I've forgotten what you said was forced on when using a

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I Got To Thinking About My Dislike For...

by Biz » Mon, 28 Apr 2003 10:15:11

I don't know how you ever got into that habit.  Even in the days of yore when I used a joystick for
my racing games,  forward and back were always accel/brake, so it is always assigned to an analog
control.  Who assigns throttle/brake to buttons on an analog joystick besides you?  You are the only
person I have heard of(I'm sure there are others that do so no need to spout off now) that assigns
throttle/brake to buttons on their joystick instead of of forward and back.  That would be like
assigning dive and climb to joystick buttons in a flight sim....

"Don't touch that please, your primitive intellect wouldn't understand
alloys and compositions and,......things with molecular structures,....and
the....." - Ash

> > I think your being a little unreasonable, a simple analog joystick would do
> > the job, even second hand would cost about $5-$10

> > keyboards aren't for sims :)

> > Ash
> >

> But you see, I already have a simple analog joystick, Ashley. ;)

> I just map the throttle and brake to the two buttons on it. Give NASCAR
> Heat a try with a joystick(cudos to it's dev's), they've gotten it down
> to a near science.

> It's a terrible habit from NASCAR Racing 2, yet it's how I'm comfortable
> with driving in any sim with this wretched thing. :)

> -Will

Jeff Vince

I Got To Thinking About My Dislike For...

by Jeff Vince » Mon, 28 Apr 2003 11:15:40

On Sat, 26 Apr 2003 18:43:17 -0500, William Bradshaw

>> I think your being a little unreasonable, a simple analog joystick would do
>> the job, even second hand would cost about $5-$10

>> keyboards aren't for sims :)

>But you see, I already have a simple analog joystick, Ashley. ;)

>I just map the throttle and brake to the two buttons on it. Give NASCAR
>Heat a try with a joystick(cudos to it's dev's), they've gotten it down
>to a near science.

   Why not buy a *second* stick, as Ash recommends.  Set up your right
hand stick to steer in the x-axis.  Set up the left stick to
accelerate (forward) / brake (back) in the y-axis.  It works for me
(two tiny CH joysticks, looks similar to an RC plane TX set-up).  

   It gives you the benefit of putting steering and throttle/brake on
separate sticks, handled by separate hands, making it less confusing
to coordinate.  Not to mention full analog control of throttle and

   One downside is the inability to have separate axes for throttle &
brake (no tapping the brake to set the car in turns while you still
have some throttle on).

   When I got NASCAR 1, I found that using the buttons on a single
stick would no longer cut it (you could get away with it in ICR1).

   Change is good.  :)

"But in a way, fear is a big part of racing, because if there was
nothing to be frightened of, and no limit, any fool could get into
a motor car and racing would not exist as a sport." -- Jim Clark

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I Got To Thinking About My Dislike For...

by ymenar » Mon, 28 Apr 2003 13:59:00

> I just map the throttle and brake to the two buttons on it. Give NASCAR
> Heat a try with a joystick(cudos to it's dev's), they've gotten it down
> to a near science.

Yeah I'm sure the 10 people in the world pushing a button on their joystick
to accelerate must love Nascar Heat.  Trust me, there's a _reason_ for that.
For Papy, it is more important to have a safer and more regulated online
racing presence then to take the chance of completely obliterating that by
having a toggle for that option.  You know, the average gamer _is_ stupid,
and he would be enough stupid to turn it off, even if that means being a
more dangerous driver.

Anyway, just buy a set of pedals and Y-connector them to the joystick.

Kudos to Papy for standing on their motorsport values.

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
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Gerry Aitke

I Got To Thinking About My Dislike For...

by Gerry Aitke » Mon, 28 Apr 2003 16:02:18

>>> ...Papy forcing aids to be on for digital controllers, and there is a
>>> way around the problem.

>> <SNIP>

>>> What are your thoughts on this?

>> Why not just buy a wheel and pedals?

>> Gerry

> You have a point (too bad I'm broke), but why limit the game to
> non-wheel drivers? Yes, dude, I call forcing any options on to be limiting.

Amazing, I knew you'd say you were broke. I must be psychic. But I see
what you are after, a canned response that you can adjust so it will be
the same every time. But in RL the more money you invest the faster you
go. Why should sim racing be any different?

In the case of a simulation like GPL the use of wheel and pedals is the
only way to get full enjoyment, imo. The feeling of immersion just isn't
there when using buttons, or a stick, come to that. Well, not for me anyway.

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