Whilst the death of Greig Moore, and Gonzalo Rodriguez are both sad and
tradgic, they knew that what they were doing was dangerous.
One need only to look at Formula One to see that Tire walls in the wrong
place can cause as much damage as the may prevent.
Eddie Irvines qualifying crash going into the Suzuka hairpin was
worryingly ***. If it had been wall all the way, he'd have just
ground his way to a halt.
Michael Schumacher hit the tire wall outside of Stow corner at a meer 70
mph, yet broke his leg. Tire walls on the inside of Ovals will throw
the car into a horrendous spin (imagine Irivines crash, twice, three
times as fast) However, a wall will only give a glancing blow.
What is worrying is that people still assume that a single seater is
better off going thru gravel, not tarmac. Tarmac would have brought
Schumacher to a virtual standstill before he hit the tyres, it would
have stopped Greig Moore from Rolling. It would not have helped Gonzo.
Motor racing is dangerous. That is why we enjoy driving great games such
as GPL. They allow us a taste of that danger, with the added adantage of
being able to walk away after driving into the outside wall of the Masta
Kink at 170 MPH in a 415 bhp Cigar on wheels.
The driver know and respect the danger. They enjoy it. Unfortunately,
from time to time, they are taken from us.
It's a sad fact. No one conciously attempts to make tracks dangerous.
Calling the Americans stupid was stupidity in its self. I am a european
embarrased by such talk. However, there are issues to be raised in all
forms of motor sport. Perhaps things people havn't thought of
yet...constant efforts are being made by ALL concerned to improve safety
across the board...but it still remains VERY VERY dangerous.
> Oli, I'm a photographer in the So Cal area...email me if you'd like to see
> some of my old Riverside stuff.
> --
> don
> [|]-(_)-[|]
> > What do you do Don?
> > --
> > Oliver Nikolic
> > DP-MAX Computers
> > http://www.racesimcentral.net/
> > BeoRocket Racing Team (retired)
> > http://www.racesimcentral.net/