> I get forward motion in the car even when i don't touch the accelerator
> km/h in 1. gear) is that bad calibration or the 3-axis bug that is causing
> this problem? It frustrates me to know that the car wan'ts to move forward
> even though I brake and release throttle. propably most racers frustration
> when they are headed for the wall, but it would be nice to be able to cut
> power all together..
> Bolt-J
I think this is to simulate having the clutch let out..... I know in my
road car
when I drive with the clutch out and no throttle and the car will move
at about 10mph in 1st..... GP3 has a clutch (you can map it anyway you
that you can use to stop forward movement, and it`s actually quite fun and
effective to use it for spinning the car. The problem with this feature in
GP3 is,
like you say, the car moves too fast. Add that to the fact that you cant
a GP3 car and it is easy to see why many people dont like this feature. It
doesn`t bother me that much though..... there are many other GP3
shortcommings for me to worry about =o)
All the best,