> I have downloaded the full 125 mb of SP3 but I am unhappy with the way it
> alters my game of SCGT and have reinstalled the game without it. Is it
> possible to just install the cars from this zip file and if so which files
> do I need to install?
> > I have downloaded the full 125 mb of SP3 but I am unhappy with the way
> > alters my game of SCGT and have reinstalled the game without it. Is it
> > possible to just install the cars from this zip file and if so which
> > do I need to install?
> OK, I'm stupid. What is SP3?
> > OK, I'm stupid. What is SP3?
> Service Pak 3.0 is a collection of fixes for scgt and...that should
> a really big AND...about 155 real world cars plus a Trans Am Category
> replace GTX and Aussie V8's to replace GTO.
> It is a privately done HUGE piece of work. Gunslinger, James
> Wohlever, put it together. sp3.1 saves the cars with higher than
> average polygon counts and replaces them with slightly less detailed
> cars so online racing should be improved.
> Just out also is a patch that comprised the American LeMans Series.
> have it on my hd but haven't installed it yet.. :) (dang N3...!)
> gtinsider should have a link to Gunslinger's site...Techware
> Motorsports.
> dave henrie
Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.
Two faults with the pak, some cars don't have any sound files
included, but those are available from several sources. Use
SCGTSoundcheck.zip to find the proper files. 2nd the Calendar allows
for all the tracks to run in all the weather settings. So you will
have 4 races at each track (day, night, rain, night/rain) unless you
edit the calendar file which is bigger than notepad likes...:)
Other than that...The only drawback is the huge size and...DONT use a
browser to dload. Use Go!zilla or Getright, they make a world of
difference, trust me on this one. Go!zilla is a freebie so it should be
a no brainer. later
dave henrie
After installing the patch the game became really stuttery and totally
unplayable. It seemed to be constantly accessing the HD which seems rather
strange as I have 96mb ram and it doesn't even do that in GPL or for that
matter SCGT without the patch.
> > btw...what didn't you like about the sp3.0? Have you tried the ALMS
> > patch yet?
> After installing the patch the game became really stuttery and totally
> unplayable. It seemed to be constantly accessing the HD which seems rather
> strange as I have 96mb ram and it doesn't even do that in GPL or for that
> matter SCGT without the patch.
> Chris
Ian Parker
UKGPL League
count cars in their place. The replay can now be set to any length, even 24
hours if you have the hard drive space :) and the race calendar fixes the
northpoint penalty bug etc.
Just a suggestion...
> > > btw...what didn't you like about the sp3.0? Have you tried the ALMS
> > > patch yet?
> > After installing the patch the game became really stuttery and totally
> > unplayable. It seemed to be constantly accessing the HD which seems rather
> > strange as I have 96mb ram and it doesn't even do that in GPL or for that
> > matter SCGT without the patch.
> > Chris
> hmmm that DOES sound like you are running out of memory and accessing
> a swap file. Make sure you close down all unneeded programs before you
> start scgt. Use cntrl-alt-delete to choose which ones you can do
> without. I "think" all you need are the explorer and any mouse or
> controller functions. The only place I saw slowdowns was on high
> detail when I ran near the pits. I lowered the detail to medium and
> chose 800x600 and I think lately it's been pretty smooth.
> dave henrie
> I've installed SP3 , very nice but as you say some cars have no sound, any
> idea where I can get these sounds from? I've looked through the SCGT sites I
> can find but no sounds that work :(
> --
> Ian Parker
> UKGPL League
> http://members.xoom.com/ukgpl/index.html
> http://www.ukgpl.com
> --
> > > Dave
> > > I have not tried the sp3.0 yet, but are there other "fixes" in it such
> > > as improved poly counts for cars and tracks? Any changes in the replay
> > > mode? It seems I heard some thing about this a while back.
> > > tia
> > > Ivan
> > > sp3.1 moves the high polycount cars to a save folder and uses lower
> count cars in their place. The replay can now be set to any length, even 24
> hours if you have the hard drive space :) and the race calendar fixes the
> northpoint penalty bug etc.
> > Two faults with the pak, some cars don't have any sound files
> > included, but those are available from several sources. Use
> > SCGTSoundcheck.zip to find the proper files. 2nd the Calendar allows
> > for all the tracks to run in all the weather settings. So you will
> > have 4 races at each track (day, night, rain, night/rain) unless you
> > edit the calendar file which is bigger than notepad likes...:)
> > Other than that...The only drawback is the huge size and...DONT use a
> > browser to dload. Use Go!zilla or Getright, they make a world of
> > difference, trust me on this one. Go!zilla is a freebie so it should be
> > a no brainer. later
> > dave henrie
Ian Parker
UKGPL League