> Can I make CH Pedals work with my LWFF? I ordered GPL yesterday - $15.00 -
> and would like to use this set-up for this sim.
> If not, I'll sell the pedals to someone who needs a set. They are in
> excellent condition. I used them for Mechwarrior with a MS Sidewinder
> They have sat in a closet for about 4 years.
> Thanks.
> ************************************
> Dave Pawlikowski
> www.cushdrive.com
> www.luftwaffe-experten.com
> ICQ - 103134094
> ************************************
Dave, You can rewire the CH pedals in place of the LWFF pedals and have them
work in any sim or, you can plug the CH pedals into your soundcard and only
use them in games that support more than one controller. They will work in
GPL either way. Email me if you would like details on rewiring the pedals.
New GPL Programs for the Converted Tracks: