1)Jim Sokoloff - Thanks for taking so much ***and suppling so many
answers...not that all are acceptible but anything is better than pure
speculation and I sincerely, as many others do appreciate and look
forward to your replies in this newsgroup!!!
2)Does anyone have the complete list of bugs for N2?? If so PLEASE e
mail me.
Other Issues:
3) Why when you have an accident do you not see those skid marks next
the time around?
4) What is up with all that AI fake pitting stuff..especially on
5) Does Pappyrus know there are at least 11 different types of clouds?
(Please no snide remarks about having time to look at the clouds..I'm a
pilot and can't help but notice)
6) In Multiplayer if the dial-ee hangs up the race is over, no continue
or print, not so if the dialer hangs up.
7) No Chat during race bites big ones ...as stated in N1 manual it's
there to raz your opponent...talk about stealing ones thunder. Ok, so
you can park and enter chat mode to do it's but very inconvenient. I can
see if NRO takes it out, but not for cross town racing!!!
8)How come you can't control the start race feature with Joystick/Wheel
accelerator button? I'm pointing and clicking myself to death?
9) Since I don't want to be all negative, I dig the new Glen course.
10) No two line restarts is inexcusable!
11) In you spin out onto pit row you should be allowed to break the
speed limit w/ out getting the dreaded black flag. If the only way to
avoid a wreck is thru pit row the speed limit should be non
existant....you guys missed this one in both games.
12)Ok, I'll stop until I get the entire bug list for fear of repetition.
Scott Walter