I finally got a copy to the UK. Frankly, I'm disappointed for all the
reason's listed in the Mr Nobody thread (and then some). I won't regurgitate
them - but I would ask if anyone has any ideas on a particular problem that
is making a poor experience even less satisfactory.
I find that there's an intolerable amount of shimmer at all tracks. It's
particularly evident on fences, posts, wall/track joins and worst of all on
the cars. As a car pulls away from you, the logo or decal on the back starts
to roll and shimmer. The sim experience is (for me ) being totally
interrupted by these appalling textures.
My hope is that I'm just missing something really simple. I've applied all
the tweaks listed on all the bulletin boards. The problem is unaffected by
resolution, AA or AF settings. I'm currently running 1024x768, 6xAA, 16xAF,
all options maxed fully out on an A8V, FX53, 1Gb, X800XT, 2ZS combination. I
have no jaggies at all and the frame rate never drops below 55 even at the
back of a full 43 car field.
I really hope there are some ideas out there which I haven't yet considered.
If I can get the graphics up to N2k3 quality it's worth*** on for 'the
Thanks in anticipation