% >% I see some previous posts from people using the Thrustmaster nascar
% >% pro system, but no mention about how good it is.
% What about the NASCAR Sprint wheel?
The Sprint wheel is a good low budget wheel. However, don't expect much
from the pedals. The pedals were included because many retailers
refused to carry the product if it didn't include some sort of pedals.
Basically the Sprint is TM's "new model" of their GP1 model. With the
Sprint, you can use the paddles on the back of the wheel for brake and
% > the Thrustmaster NASCAR
% >Super Sport (which may not work in pure DOS games which do not recognize
% >separate axes for the pedals).
% Will the NASCAR Sprint wheel work with NR99?
I don't have NR99, but the unit should work fine. If you plan on using
the Windows interface for the controller unit, I would get the latest
drivers for the Sprint from http://www.thrustmaster.com
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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