Whenever anybody makes fun of me for having a steering wheel attached to my
PC I sit them in front of Microsoft Midtown Madness and they're hooked in
five minutes. The fun wore out for me pretty quickly (I have moved on to GPL)
but for (drunk?) house guests this game is a riot. They always end up in the
bus or the semi, smashing their way through traffic.
A competition may be a bit less fun for your guests, as the bar is set pretty
high in the checkpoint and "dash" races. But I think you'll find that just
watching people drive like idiots is entertainment enough.
If that doesn't do it for you, Need for Speed High Stakes is your other
option. It's a lot prettier than MM, but not as much fun.
> I'm having a Christmas drinks party at my house this weekend. Whenever I
> have guests they seem to enjoy having a go at a driving game with my MS
> Force Feedback Wheel.
> I figured it might be fun to have a competition for all my guests with a
> prize at the end. The criteria the game must fulfill are:
> 1) Be easily playable by first timers - male and female.
> 2) Must have a time trial mode with the game lasting no longer than a 3-5
> minutes.
> 3) Must look good on a PII350, 128Mb and Voodoo3.
> 4) Work well with a force feebback wheel.
> Any suggestions gratefully appreciated.
> Binesh
Rob Adams
Information Management Group
Ministry of Health
2st Floor, 727 Fisgard St.
Victoria BC V8W 9R1
Phone: (250) 952-2447
Fax: (250) 952-2072