GPL converter

R Asma

GPL converter

by R Asma » Thu, 30 Mar 2000 04:00:00

I understand that there is a real track (notoval)in NL that can be converted
to gpl. I'm in the UK and cannot get a copy of NL, but would loveyet another
track for GPL. Can anyone help?
Andre Warring

GPL converter

by Andre Warring » Fri, 31 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Sure I can help you!

That's what friends are for :)


David Butte

GPL converter

by David Butte » Fri, 31 Mar 2000 04:00:00


A nice thought, except that that page says:

"Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S"

So, looks like it's back to square one on that one :-(

"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
(Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)

Bert Hilberin

GPL converter

by Bert Hilberin » Fri, 31 Mar 2000 04:00:00

> >Sure I can help you!
> >
> >8-1/ref=aps_sr_ce_1_1/102-8617903-1700812

> >That's what friends are for :)
> <snip>

> A nice thought, except that that page says:

> "Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S"

> So, looks like it's back to square one on that one :-(

Unfortunately: quite correct, because I tried it last night:

"We are unable to process your order since it contains item(s) which cannot
be shipped outside the U.S. We have set the quantity to zero on the
restricted items. You can proceed to order any items in your cart that are
not set to zero, or change your shipping address to a U.S. address. "

And at the moment I haven't got a clue where I can get a copy...


- Show quoted text -

Andre Warrin

GPL converter

by Andre Warrin » Fri, 31 Mar 2000 04:00:00

This is weird, I ordered it from amazon as soon as it was available,
and I live in the Netherlands, no problems. I also can't imagine why
they don't ship this outside the US?


On Thu, 30 Mar 2000 08:43:48 +0200, "Bert Hilberink"

>> >Sure I can help you!
>> >
>> >8-1/ref=aps_sr_ce_1_1/102-8617903-1700812

>> >That's what friends are for :)
>> <snip>

>> A nice thought, except that that page says:

>> "Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S"

>> So, looks like it's back to square one on that one :-(

>Unfortunately: quite correct, because I tried it last night:

>"We are unable to process your order since it contains item(s) which cannot
>be shipped outside the U.S. We have set the quantity to zero on the
>restricted items. You can proceed to order any items in your cart that are
>not set to zero, or change your shipping address to a U.S. address. "

>And at the moment I haven't got a clue where I can get a copy...


>> --
>> David.
>> "After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
>> really."
>> (Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)

Karl Branki

GPL converter

by Karl Branki » Fri, 31 Mar 2000 04:00:00

you can order it from the sierra us store as mentioned in one of Alison
Hine`s posts. They will charge you $34 US to ship it though. It costs $29.99
and they also have Cart racing for $9.99.

Great except I can`t get the converter (new demo) to list any tracks for N3
or NR1999 even thougth it says N3/NR1999/GPL directory found.


R Asma

GPL converter

by R Asma » Fri, 31 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Thanks for the help to thise who helped ;)
Ruud van Ga

GPL converter

by Ruud van Ga » Sat, 01 Apr 2000 04:00:00

>> Great except I can`t get the converter (new demo) to list any tracks for
>> or NR1999 even thougth it says N3/NR1999/GPL directory found.

>> Karl.

>Just a quick question, Karl.  When you *pointed* the converter to your
>directories, did you include the "tracks" in the path?  If you do, it won't
>work.  You only need to point to the main N3/NR1999/GPL, etc directory.  It
>assumes that is where it will find the "tracks" directory.

Also the tracks need to be in there, not on the CD (i.e. do a FULL
install). Or point the directory to the CD-ROM directory to directly
convert it from CD.
(not that I did that in practice, but I heard it works, at least for
some source games)

Ruud van Gaal
MarketGraph / MachTech:

David Ewin

GPL converter

by David Ewin » Sat, 01 Apr 2000 04:00:00

> >> Great except I can`t get the converter (new demo) to list any tracks for
> >N3
> >> or NR1999 even thougth it says N3/NR1999/GPL directory found.

> >Just a quick question, Karl.  When you *pointed* the converter to your
> >directories, did you include the "tracks" in the path?  If you do, it won't
> >work.  You only need to point to the main N3/NR1999/GPL, etc directory.  It
> >assumes that is where it will find the "tracks" directory.

> Also the tracks need to be in there, not on the CD (i.e. do a FULL
> install). Or point the directory to the CD-ROM directory to directly
> convert it from CD.
> (not that I did that in practice, but I heard it works, at least for
> some source games)

Ruud is right.  You need to point to the directory above "tracks".  For most of
these releases, it is the main directory.  However, for the version of Cart
Racing with rendition ready tracks (which I just got from the link Alison
suggested), you will want to drill down into the CD and point to the directory
above the rendition version of the tracks - dos/rend, if I remember correctly.
And yes, you can just point to the CD (no install is necessary).

Dave Ewing

David A. Ewing

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