When I first started buying records, back in the mid 60's, I didn't have
a very large collection. So I listened to my records over and over. I
got to know them so well, I could sing every guitar or harmonica solo,
knew all the words, knew the arrangements. I knew all my records
Now I buy 2 new cd's each week. I listen to them each week for a couple
of months, then, gradually, less and less. And I have to keep buying new
cd's because there is so much music out there that I want to listen to.
I can never catch up. But I don't get as much out of the cd's as I did
when I first started buying music. I've got thousands of lps, hundreds
of cd's, I've got tapes and tapes of music that I've recorded off the
radio, and most of it just sits there on my racks.
Yesterday I downloaded the GPL track convertor from Mr. Noonan. Some
part of me says "I wish I hadn't."