So you're saying that there are no elite women? :-)
What are ledgens?
B> What are ledgens?
Cars not driven by the elete. It's obvious, really ;-)
Try this url to see what the legends cars are. The're rather neat
machines, I've seen a few close up, but haven't seen them race
anywhere but occasionally on TV. Of course, around me are nothing but
dirt tracks, so I don't get out much to the local tracks to see them
>> I feel that if there are women out there that want to race "get up and
>> do something about it"!!!! Don't let anyone stop you like "GUYS." I
>> don't care if team manager pick the elete, ther are other forms of
>> racing like: go carts, midgets, sprint cars, quad 4 cars, mini stock,
>> ledgens, and so forth.!!!
>What are ledgens?
Because they are not strong enough to turn the wheel in a hairpin. Pit
babes are cool though.
With those kind of comments what does that make you?
LOL Mitch. You didn't attend the same school of diplomacy as J. Simmons did
Might I, as a semi-retired usenet warrior, offer you some advice? -If you're
going to post something (mildly) controversial, make sure you:
1) Mind your language, and by that I do mean spelling and grammar. Not only
do mistakes make you look dumb, they leave you open to easy come-backs.
2) post your message where it might possibly considered "on-topic" or mark
it "OT:" for "off-topic" when you don't.
3) Also, consider the demographic. You want to select a newsgroup where
there exists a target audience(1) and, preferably, several people who share
your viewpoints(2). Alone against a group is unworkable in the long run.
(1): my guess is less than 10 women actually read RAS, I'll check that
assumption in a moment.
(2): which is not to say I don't agree. Possibly, there are too few women in
racing due to the reasons you mention. There are certainly too few women in
And what are you? -Some dumb hick with no manners whatsoever?