Why Aren't There More Women In Racing!!!!!!

Tony Rickar

Why Aren't There More Women In Racing!!!!!!

by Tony Rickar » Mon, 31 May 2004 02:51:57

Give John some credit, Mitch. He invented it...

Sean Ridg

Why Aren't There More Women In Racing!!!!!!

by Sean Ridg » Mon, 31 May 2004 03:59:19

On Fri, 28 May 2004 22:11:27 GMT, "Jan Verschueren"

>(2): which is not to say I don't agree. Possibly, there are too few women in
>racing due to the reasons you mention. There are certainly too few women in

Probably becasue they find it boring. Let's face it, racing is not
exactly intellectually stimulating.

Why Aren't There More Women In Racing!!!!!!

by JTS » Mon, 31 May 2004 04:58:13

Please.....that is too funny!!  Give me a right.wing.whacko over a
leftist.commie.*** any day.

> If you want to talk politics go to the flight sim newsgroup.  Which BTW is
> why I replied to the troll in the first place.

> And I didnt realize I was reading

> Mitch

> > uhhhhh

> > I didn't realize I was reading
> >

John Simmon

Why Aren't There More Women In Racing!!!!!!

by John Simmon » Mon, 31 May 2004 05:40:18

He knows it doesn't have any effect on me. I don't go for the world-
***ing-economy either.

Jason Moy

Why Aren't There More Women In Racing!!!!!!

by Jason Moy » Mon, 31 May 2004 14:29:06

>Please.....that is too funny!!  Give me a right.wing.whacko over a
>leftist.commie.*** any day.

Eh, I'd rather shove both into a closet *** and lock the door.
Maybe I've been playing to much Thief 3.
Badmuther #

Why Aren't There More Women In Racing!!!!!!

by Badmuther # » Mon, 31 May 2004 08:26:50

Because they outa be home cooking and doing the laundry to
validate thier worth.
Mark Seer

Why Aren't There More Women In Racing!!!!!!

by Mark Seer » Tue, 01 Jun 2004 09:42:13

Not with far more interesting things to talk about like shoes and ......
Oops, nearly forgot. I'm semi-retired as well ;-)


Ruud Dingeman

Why Aren't There More Women In Racing!!!!!!

by Ruud Dingeman » Tue, 01 Jun 2004 22:20:12

> Please.....that is too funny!!  Give me a right.wing.whacko over a
> leftist.commie.*** any day.

So what you're basically saying is you prefer a redneck over sex, any
day?   ;)

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