>Subject: Broken Formula T1
>Date: 7 Jan 1995 15:36:55 GMT
>Having just broken my accelerator spring just before a very important
>race, I now need a replacement spring for my Formula T1 steering wheel
>Has anyone got the internet address of the manufacturers?
>Also, what sort of response have other people got when trying to get
>springs and other parts from them.
>Pete Martin
Thrustmaster has always been good about sending out repair or tune-up parts.
When I was heavily into flight sims, I always had a refurbished loaner on hand
(and one always in the mail it seemed). Their PFCS had the most precise feel
and action, but for whatever reason, the pot's and springs would last only
about 3 months (about 250 hours) of heavy use.
I no longer have their email address or phone number, but they would ship
repair parts for free within a day or two. They invariably arrived within a
week of talking with them. If you're on compuserve, Buzz used to hang around
in the flight sim forum; you might also check the flight sim area in the
modemgames forum there (tell them Boatman sent you).