You get an F in movie watching. Your homework assignment is to watch Le
Mans, the movie, again. This time, try to imagine that the filmmakers are
simply presenting you with an "in" at a public event such as... say... a
historic race of great importance. Try to enjoy the cars.
Don't sweat the plot, that's for the drivers.
"Racing! - Science for the action minded."
> Here in the US it's on Speedvision on Saturday nights every few months so
> that's been holding me over :)
> For some reason I don't like Le Mans that much. I liked Grand Prix more as
> it's an actual movie with a good storyline IMO, not old cars driving
> Le Mans the whole time, when I want that I watch Legends of Motorsport :)
> Thanks,
> Alex
> > Be assured it will be here on DVD within the year as I just broke down
> > and purchased the VHS wide screen version locally. I wanted to wait,
> > but then again I also wanted to see the film!
> > SLG
> > >I was just browsing and typed one of my favorites and
> > >r.a.s. mascot movie in the seach field:
> sc_d_3/102-4827592-8210535
> > >(url might be wrapped, use cut and paste:)
> > >There is no news on relese, but it was possible to leave your email
> > >for notification if it will be scheduled for a release, and it will
> > >also work as a petition vote. Go there and make some noise :)
> > >--
> > >Olav K. Malmin
> > >remove .spam when replying
> > (All spelling errors are intentional and are there to show new
> > and improved ways of spelling old words. Grammatical errors are
> > due to too many English classes/teachers)