The lead on RBR has started development of a new sim. It's designed to
be as moddable as rFactor, but with a really cool design that allows
modders to publish content as re-usable objects. They can package them
up in locked sets, or let other modders use individual components. The
author info stays with the content, so there's less chance of the
bickering over stolen work that seems to drive good modders away.
He's got some really clever ideas, and RBR (his first sim) was so great
I'm really looking forward to what may come of this.
Was there any substance in the story that some swedish / finnish
consortium had bought the RBR source code? I think I remember reading
something, but never heard more about the issue.
Cheers, uwe
GPG Fingerprint: 2E 13 20 22 9A 3F 63 7F 67 6F E9 B1 A8 36 A4 61
RBR doesnt use Starforce!
The release version used SecuRom but the official patches got rid of
it, so you can even play without the DVD in the drive now.
Kudos to the developers (unfortunately out of business now)!
Stop asking questions and buy it already ;)!
Thanks Dave H. ;)!
It looks like it's one of those rare games that don't use any apparent
protection. It doesn't require DVD, doesn't connect to the internet and
doesn't ask any verification questions.
> It looks like it's one of those rare games that don't use any apparent
> protection. It doesn't require DVD, doesn't connect to the internet and
> doesn't ask any verification questions.
> Alex. ships quick!
Spyware in Daemon Tools? When the hell did that happen?
Can anyone verify this?
>> It looks like it's one of those rare games that don't use any apparent
>> protection. It doesn't require DVD, doesn't connect to the internet and
>> doesn't ask any verification questions. Alex.
Daemon-Tools has gone WhenU.
This is a positively horrible situation.
That's pretty much the death of Daemon Tools.
>> It looks like it's one of those rare games that don't use any apparent
>> protection. It doesn't require DVD, doesn't connect to the internet and
>> doesn't ask any verification questions. Alex.