sounds as though he has a frog in his throat ! I think
it may be a speed (as in frame rate) problem, as there also
seem to be the occasional "stutter" in the graphics, although
not at the same time as the sound problem.
Dropping the resolution from 640x480 to 512x384(?) seems to
help. I have a Celeron 366 with 64 Mb RAM and a Voodoo 1
graphics card.
Should the resolution make a frame rate difference with a
dedicated 3D card ? I thought that the way they work is
the CPU passes coordinates of objects to be drawn and then
the 3D card actually draws the objects based on those coords
and then fills them in with the appropriate texture. The CPU
must still supply the same _number_ of coordinates regardless of
the resolution, so the CPU is still as busy at lower resolutions
as it is at higher ones isn't it ? Does this imply that the
Voodoo card can't keep up with the data it is being sent and therefore
holding up the CPU while it waits for the Voodoo card to
be ready to accept more data ?