>>I think GPL is great. I just don't quite understand why people feel
>>so threatened by the thought of it containing difficulty options, as
>>long as the highest levels are there. To use your initial analogy,
>>Falcon 4 is hailed as the most complex, realistic flight sim ever -
>>yet it has quite a range of switchable difficulty optiions. None of
>>the ultra-hard core flight sim fanatics are screaming that this makes
>>Falcon 4 a "Novalogic arcade sim".
> I was gonna' stay away from this thread but..........
> Falcon 4.0 has 161 keystroke variables that you use to fly with (this
>does not include the basic "steering" and throttle controls) I think
>some scaleability is in order. GPL has 10 input variables that I can
>think of. It DOES have training cars and "help" for the shifting ,
>braking, and throttle. I don't know what else anyone would want.
> That having been said : T. Liam McDonald was spot on with the
>comment about GPL trying to recreate a 3d activity in a 2d world and
>about how it was probably more difficult than driving the real thing.
>I have felt this way about all of the driving sims that I have tried.
>In other words if you put a real 67 Cooper GP car on a real track and
>then set GPL on a computer right next to it (and also assume I have
>never seen/used either of them) I bet you I would be better ,at least
>initially ,at driving the real GP car around the circuit. (if anyone
>has a 67 cooper and would like to test this theory , I am available <
>G>) Now there is no way I could ever do laps as fast as I do in GPL (
>I'd be long dead by now) There just isn't the same level of feed back
>in a simulation. Try racing GPL without the sound on and you'll see
>what I mean.
> So to me all of the argument about realism is silly.(see the "what
>about rain "thread for example , geeesh!) There IS a level of realism
>that is just too high given the environment that we are currently
>using too create simulations in. GPL is a good compromise of realism
>and usability but ,only if you are complete racing "hack". If you are
>not there is always F1RS.
> (Daisy slips on the Nomex suit and awaits his punishment)
A while back (I can't remember the thread or who posted it), someone went on
and on in response to a guy who said that GPL was too hard. He basically let
this guy have it with both barrels for saying that you can't fell anything,
and that makes GPL very hard.
Anyway, the guy went on and on saying things like, 'how can you say that?!
GPL has the best FELL of any racing sim ever!' I was very tempted to ask the
guy where he got his moving base simulator from, and did he hack the code of
GPL to get the base to work right.
Like I said, I agree with you: I think GPL is asking you to do with only
your eyes (and a little bit your hearing), what you normally do with all
five of your senses. It seems to me like they're almost asking you to so the
equivalent of air to air combat by only looking at the instrument panel. I
suppose you could do that to, but I'm not sure how much fun it would be.