>This may have been mentioned before, and if so I apologize in advance.
>Its pretty common knowledge now that you must put the Glide 2.53 DLL
>file in your GPL folder, but you still may be getting lockups and
>garbled screens while driving or watching replays. Another thing that
>can cause this are any "performance" settings in the V2 Control Panel
>that are checked off. For me, all I can set is the "Disable VSync"(or
>similar). If Trilinear filtering, overclocking, or anything else is
>selected I get lockups. Truly sucks when in the middle of an online
>Again, sorry if this is common knowledge.
>G. Patricks
G., I used to have frequent lockups in GPL in single-player just after
I'd bought a second 12MB Orchid R3D card and ran the two in SLI.
Wasn't overclocking them, but it seemed that the only way I could keep
GPL from locking up after a few minutes was to keep the cover off and
run a room fan blowing right into the system.
Turns out that the two cards had different clock rates on the RAM
chips. I'm recalling that some were 100MHz, and others were 66MHz
(might have the numbers wrong, it was awhile ago).
I wound up getting two new Monster M3D-II 12MB cards instead (with
identical memory on each) and SLI'd them. Also got a 3Dfx Cool Fan
for each, and they're now oc'd to 96MHz. Haven't had a lockup since
going to this setup. I've oc'd them up to 100MHz, but this hasn't
given much of an fps improvement, so backed them down to 96MHz.
So, you might have a classic overheating problem. Don't know if
you're running SLI or not.
I've also noticed that GPL didn't like "Force triple color buffering
for Glide apps" when I tried that setting last week.
I'm currently running the 3Dfx reference drivers 3.01.01 (downloaded
as filename rkv2dx6.exe), BTW.
Dave Mack
(remove "nospamfor_" for correspondence)